Setting up Contextual Advertising Campaigns – Second in the Series

Hey Folks. My name is Charles Lumpkin. I appreciate you spending some time with me today. We are going to talk about the two methods that you might use when you are setting up ad groups around contextual advertising campaigns. There are two methods. One is the mass-market method and the other is the tight method.

Let’s talk about the tight method first because it is probably most applicable to most of your campaigns. The tight method is making sure that when you set up the campaign that the ad groups have keywords that are very very tightly related. If you are talking about “photo umbrellas” – you might include “white photo umbrellas” or “black photo umbrellas.” You want to make sure that you are not brining in something like “camera” into the mix. It will totally mess up the context. What Google is trying to do is create a sense of context around the keywords that are in that particular ad group. If you throw something that is kind off a non sequitur or a bit unrelated it’s going to mess up the context. It will mess up where you are going to be able to show. That’s the tight method. Make sure that you campaigns and ad groups are very tight. And that’s probably going to work for most of you especially in niche markets.

The other is the mass-market method. In the mass-market method what you are actually doing is constructing keywords. Its best if you know what you demographic is and understand what kinds of things that your demographic has interest in. This is really powerful. If you have a mass-market product this is very powerful. What you want to do is understand the topics that those people might be interested in. Let’s say that you have a mass-market product that would apply to 25-50 year old males. Say somebody who watches Mythbusters. What you do is construct a campaign with keywords like “mythbusters” or other kinds of things that you know are intrinsically going to have a lot of volume in them. So it goes out there and casts a wide net. You are trying to get an audience. Then you can use some of the optimization techniques.

But they are two different methods. One is mass market and you are going for a large broad audience and you are stating what they are interested in topically. The second is keeping things very tight around the products and services you are trying to sell.

That’s a tip. Two tips in fact. My name is Charles Lumpkin. I hope you take that straight to the bank. You can find more of me at

Thank you.

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1 Comment

  1. Alan Pinstein November 12, 2009

    Great ideas! I usually just shut off content network and leave it at that. These are some great ideas on how to use the AdWords Content Network system to generate additional clicks.

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